CAPPA Doula Training – 4/24/15-4/26/15 – Cherry Hill, NJ

All Four Trimesters is proud to announce that I am going to be hosting a CAPPA labor doula training in Cherry Hill, NJ this April!




Our trainer will be the amazing Crystal Sada. Crystal has 38 years experience advocating for birth rights. She has been a childbirth educator for 32 years, was a labor doula for 16 years and has trained doulas with CAPPA for 14 years. During her workshops she shares everything you need to begin practicing as a doula in training when you leave. In addition, she also worked in maternity and understands how to build bridges with other birth professionals.


Affirmations from one of Crystal's trainings
Affirmations from one of Crystal’s trainings

For more information contact me using the form below or email Crystal.  To learn more about CAPPA, visit their website.

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